While WaterFire is free to attend, did you know that each WaterFire event costs over $100,000 to produce? Costs include music rights, insurance, transportation, brazier upkeep, boats, docks, programs, building materials, firewood, performers, audio equipment, police, insurance, permits and the list of expenses goes on.
Without the help of volunteers and donors WaterFire, a non-profit organization, could not host one of Providence's most amazing attractions. For a limited time, between today and Saturday, August 27, Rhode Islanders can go to DealBird.com to support a hallmark of the capital city in a fun and rewarding way.
WaterFire is thanking donors for tax-deductible donations between $20 and $1,000 with a variety of merchandise and once-in-a-life-time experiences. Give $20 and get a $10 voucher good for any WaterFire merchandise. Give $1,000 and get a VIP boat ride that you will never forget. WaterFire worked with DealBird to develop a limited series of thank you gifts for donors at various giving levels between $20 and $1,000.
Between today and the Saturday, August 13, 2011 WaterFire, you can go to DealBird.com to support WaterFire's first online, donor campaign that is coupled with unique experiences. In order to do its part to support WaterFire, DealBird is adding $5 to every donation made between now and Saturday.
"DealBird is dedicated to the health and vitality of the Providence community and is thrilled to partner with WaterFire to support this important part of the cultural fabric of Rhode Island," commented Chad Billmyer, DealBird's Chief Executive Officer. "Prior to working with the team at WaterFire we had no appreciation for the costs associated with each event. We are honored to lend our software and support to WaterFire for an innovative online fund raising drive. We are delighted that leading non-profits use the DealBird technology platform to drive new and innovative ways to raise funds. There is a growing national trend of merging the powers of group purchasing platforms like DealBird with social media tools. We are seeing the non-profit community expand the integration between social commerce and social media tools in their strategic planning. We look forward to supporting this movement within the non-profit sector."
"We collaborated with DealBird to find ways to leverage social media to support WaterFire and thank our generous donors," said Barnaby Evans, Executive and Artistic Director of WaterFire Providence. "WaterFire's board, staff and volunteers work very hard all year round to produce WaterFire. Every fundraiser helps us keep the fires burning. My colleagues in the non-profit sector should seriously look at incorporating DealBird's technology platform as a way to inspire new investors in their respective organizations," said Evans.
100% of donations made through DealBird go to WaterFire Providence, a 501(c) (3). Donors should consult a tax professional to determine whether all or portions of their WaterFire donation are tax deductible.
About DealBird
Launched in June 2011 in Providence, RI, DealBird.com powers online buying groups to deliver better prices on goods and services to buyers and to grow sales from new and existing customers for sellers. Non-profits can use the DealBird platform to host innovative online fund raising drives. For more information about DealBird, please visit www.dealbird.com.
About WaterFire
WaterFire Providence is an independent nonprofit organization that produces WaterFire. Each year, WaterFire attracts over one million people to Rhode Island whose economic impact is over $40 million, according to an independent study conducted by the University of Rhode Island. It is presented for free through the generosity of donors and sponsors. We greatly appreciate your contributions. Contributions are tax deductible. For more information, please visit www.waterfire.org.
See Below:
Information sources (related to this press release)--
- http://www.businessrecord.com/main.asp?SectionID=4&SubSectionID=7&ArticleID=10257
- http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11156/1151075-388.stm
- http://philanthropy.com/blogs/prospecting/10-burning-questions-on-how-charities-should-use-social-media/29096
- http://philanthropy.com/article/Charities-Benefit-From-Deal/124247/